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    1. 傳播國學經典



      作者:小學作文 小學英語作文 來源:網絡



      How will the world be different in the future,100 years from now?Predicting the future can be difficult.But we can try to predict the future.I think people will have robots in their homes in the future.And they won"t use money.Everything will be free.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.Kids won't go to school.They will study at home on computers.There will only be one coutry in the whole world.I also think people will live to be 200 years old.



      One hundred years later, the child does not need to go to school. The child was born,will be put into a radio recorder, like disc, the machine will be a lot of knowledge burn into the brain of a child, neonatal have adult wisdom. Because of the huge amount ofinformation, physiological brain has enough installed, so, men would be hanging manyexternal chip brain. One hundred years later, the machinery industry is highly developed, mechanical hands out of the production is more flexible than the hands and feet of people physiology, more powerful. So the child was born, the doctor will removehis / her physiological change hands, mechanical. The baby will be able to immediatelyhopped out of the hospital. Gradually, the mechanization technology of various organs of the mature, mechanical organs than the physical organs less energy consumption,low maintenance cost, easy to replace, so people are keen to put all the organs intomachinery. So, the external chip brain will command the manipulator for maintenance,the physiological brain into the highest version of microprocessor. Thus, the evolution of human history will turn the page

      一百年以后的小孩不需要上學讀書.小孩一出生,就會放進一部無線刻錄機,像刻錄光碟一樣,機器會把大量的知識刻錄到小孩的大腦,新生兒已經具備了成年人的智慧.由于信息量的巨大,生理大腦已經不夠裝了,所以,人們的身上會掛著許許多多的外接芯片大腦.一百年以后,機械工業高度發達,生產出來的機械手腳比人的生理手腳更靈活,更有威力.所以小孩一出生,醫生就會卸下他 / 她的生理手腳,換上機械的.嬰兒便可以馬上一蹦一跳地出院了.漸漸地,各種器官的機械化技術也趨于成熟,機械器官比生理器官更低能耗,低維護成本,容易更換,所以人們都熱衷于把全部器官換成機械的.于是,外接的芯片大腦便會指揮機械手進行維修,把生理大腦換成最高版本的微處理器.至此,人類的進化史將再翻一頁


      I can't say for sure whether the world will be a better or worse place after 100 years, because I think one part will change for the better, while another part will be worse. In the technology, everything has a different type. Many new machines have been invented. Those things will help people more efficiently.After 100 years, I think that borders will disappear by the development of science and technology. In other words, the world will be united into one. By advances in transportation, people can move to other places easily, so piding up the land is meaningless. People will move not only to other regions of the earth but also to other planets in space because the Earth is already full.What kinds of car will we be driving in the future? We dream of a car which can move by electricity and which is clean on the environmental side. The future car will have a device on seats, which can be changed to fit adults and children instead of the current fixed ones. It won't need a driver. There will be no car crashes, because computer-controlled cars will safely find out an adequate way. What drivers will have to do is to inform the car where its destination is and then the computer can to do the rest.You can finish every work by "one touch"; you just hold a small remote, and it will order everything. For example, the car will drive to your house by itself according to your orders; the TV will choose the best program and tell you what is the important news for you today. We will have no traffic jams, because the cars will fly in the sky; you don't need to drive them, because everything is automatic.On the other hand, when we get so many new things in our life, that will cause some problems in life. Maybe people will feel strange around other people, because we will hardly talk to one another. We have known all of the answers by modern machines. We use the Internet to connect everything. However, we need to consider that eye contact, face expression, and physical touch are very important to human beings.


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