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    1. 傳播國學經典



      作者:小學作文 小學英語作文 來源:網絡



      As gorky once said, books are the ladder of human progress. Books can give wisdom and knowledge. I think the taste of reading is sweet.

      A book is a rain in a drought; A book is a warmth in the snow. Hours, every night I tease mother tell stories, listening to the mother telling stories that move people, I just want to hurry and grow up, also read many books like a mother. Now, I have grown up and have read many interesting and moving books. Sometimes it is a matter of hours to read and read. I seem to forget everything around me. Sometimes the story is funny, sometimes giggling. Every night I have a habit of reading a book before going to bed, and if I don't read it, I feel like I have nothing to do. Sometimes I read until my father called me to sleep, and I reluctantly crept into bed.

      No, my father was infected, and I read books every night. Because I read the writing, my composition improved a lot. Because I read "the hundred thousand why," my knowledge is richer than before; Because I read "Grimm's fairy tales", so I know more and more fairy tales...





      You must have been sad and fast, class? I was sad and happy in my reading.

      Once, when I was watching a phrase book, one of the idioms that I really don't understand, I'll dig out the check out a book, but I couldn't find how to find out the meaning of the idiom, I think, is the brain can't think, I have to pass this idiom to see other idioms. Another time, when I read, don't know a word, wanted to use a dictionary to check, but the dictionary is the Zhang Ziyu borrowed in the neighborhood, I can only work in mom and dad asked.

      Of course, I also have happiness in reading. One time, I was reading a education book, and there was a sentence in it that I didn't understand, and I looked it up on the computer and finally figured out what that meant. I am glad that I have learned a new lesson. When I was four years old, I liked to read small people's books. Once, the teacher asked us where the capital of gansu was. I answered it and I felt proud that the other kids didn't answer it.

      I understand why the teacher taught us to read more, to let us learn new things in the book.


      "He said," books are broken, and the pen is as good as god's." The idea is that the more books you read, the more you will be able to write the article. In my opinion, the more books you read, the more you will experience different tastes.

      When I read Andersen's fairy tale the little girl who sold matches, I felt a sour nose and tears in my eyes. How poor the little girl, her severe winter cold and hungry, but have to sell matches in the street, the last freeze out alive, if I met her, will take her to go home, let her eat satisfied wear warm.

      When I learned that, from the five thousand years of the four great inventions of the ancient world: gunpowder, compass, papermaking, printing was invented by Chinese, the heart is fruity, proud of the wisdom of the ancestors deeply.

      From the romance of The Three Kingdoms, the great hero guan yu was designed to cut off his head and felt bitter in his heart. What a sigh!

      I from the outside reading, "honesty modesty," the see the article "a little brush plate", can not help but embarrassed for the international students in Japan, he is really a shame!

      Books are the ladder of human progress. If we want to be richer in life, we will read more books and learn more about life.


      揮一揮手 不帶走一片云彩



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